Bronze Snake on a Pole
Bible Stories,  OT Bible Stories

Bronze Snake on a Pole

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there were some special people called the Israelites. They were on a big journey to a special place that God promised them.

Every day, God took care of them and gave them yummy food like manna and quail and fresh water to drink.

He kept them safe from scary animals and snakes in the desert and hoped they would be happy. He wanted them to be happy.

But, oh dear, some of these people got really, really impatient.

They were tired of waiting and started telling Moses that they didn’t like the food and wanted more water. Then, they even started saying not-so-nice things about God.

They thought He didn’t give them good bread to eat.

Can you believe it?

They even said they wished they were back in Egypt!

God was feeling sad. His people weren’t happy with what they had.

They weren’t content, which means they didn’t say “thank you” for all the good things God did for them. Instead, they always wanted more and more.

The Israelites forgot to be happy with what they had, and that made God sad.

One day, God wanted to teach them an important lesson. He needed them to know that only He could protect them completely.

So, guess what God did?

He sent some snakes into their camp. These snakes bit some of the people, and they got really sick, and sadly, a few even didn’t make it. ๐Ÿ˜ข

Shake biting people

The people figured out that they truly needed God’s help and protection. They knew they’d made a big mistake by complaining about how God was looking after them.

So, they went to their wise leader, Moses, and said with big, sincere hearts, “We’re really, really sorry for complaining so much.” ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

Moses had a special talk to God, and he used it to tell God how sorry the people were for their mistakes. And guess what? God was a really good listener!

Now, instead of taking those pesky poisonous snakes away, God decided to teach the Israelites an important lesson. He wanted them to always remember to ask Him for help.

He asked Moses to create a snake out of shiny, bronze metal. Moses then put this bronze snake on a tall pole so that everyone could easily see it.

If anyone got bitten by one of those poisonous snakes, they didn’t have to worry. All they had to do was look at that shiny bronze snake, and something amazing happenedโ€”they started feeling better!

It was special reminder that God was always watching over them, ready to help whenever they needed Him.๐Ÿ˜Š

Lots of the Israelites who got bitten by those snakes looked at the shiny bronze snake on the pole and they got all better!

The Israelites realized that only God could make them feel well again, and this taught them an important lesson.

They figured out how to be happy and grateful for all the special things God gave them. They realized that it wasn’t a good idea to whine or complain about the wonderful gifts the Lord had shared with them.

So, they decided to have big smiles on their faces and thankful hearts in their chests. It was a lesson in being happy with what you have and saying a big “Thank you!” to God. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™๐ŸŽ

And from that day on, they remembered that God always takes care of His people. ๐ŸŒŸ